3 Orchestrated Pieces

Features: 1411 kbps, album, MP3, music, orchestra, stream, WAV First Release: 2024-01-27

3 Orchestrated Pieces
3 Orchestrated Pieces

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This product will be delivered as MP3-file (320 kbps) or better to selected stores. The store decides how it offers the product. Often as a stream or MP3-file. Available via the following stores:


This product is provided to stores that are available for private listening and as much as possible meet the following requirements, among others. Provide a simple web-based and/or app streaming experience to listeners. Place few restrictions on the way producers and musicians present their products. Consider products worth no less than a penny per stream.


Preferred store: free account, no ads, no subscription, first 30 seconds free, then pay about £0,033 per stream.


This is a collection of pieces of orchestral music that were published elsewhere. Beautiful Life, At Night and Meditative Pleasure appeared in 2023 as singles. Look for these titles for a description of the pieces.